Thursday, April 2, 2015

Top 10 Things I Miss About South America Right This Second

1. My family proving to me each and every day that it doesn´t 
matter where or when we were born - love is love. 

2. Goofing off with my volunteer friends. Knowing that, for the rest of their lives, 
they´re stuck with me because they uniquely understand how I´ve grown in these two years.

3. Making time to appreciate sunsets. (Also, I do miss Allie, but she´s not in South America.)

4. The amazingly crafted artisanal goods and the great pride the artists and locals have in them.

5. The colors. 

6. The intricate, traditional clothes that so many people still proudly wear. 

7. My school (and all that´s inside its barbed wire-covered walls!)

8. Never really knowing what´s about to happen.

(i.e. "We're going to shine lights on the river to see caimans." Two second later, they 
had caught a caiman with their bare hands and were showing it off inside our boat.)

9. Llamas and Alpacas and Vicuñas, Oh My!

10. Talent for dancing. 

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