Saturday, May 9, 2015

Rediscovery: Childhood

I´m basically an adult now and it´s inevitable that I will soon move into my own apartment (which will probably be the size of a shoe box or shared with six other people or be in another country), but my impending independence means I no longer get an entire closet at my parents´ house to store 25 years´ worth of boxes. I spent the last three days carefully pouring through the notebooks, pictures, journals, letters, costumes, and random objects stored in that closet. I spent hours reminiscing about the memories, love, and weirdness that surround each object, remembering people who have passed through my life, and reflecting on the moments, both poignant and goofy, that have shaped me. 

I spent most of the last three days smiling and laughing as I uncovered unexpected memories. Here are just a few of them.

(Also, I have zero mirror selfie game and I can´t figure out how to take pictures without the camera covering my face. I´m pretty sure I need to study more physics to understand reflection better.) 

I was quite the story teller at five years old, but I had no idea how to write complete words.

My Daisy Troop - my mom was one of the leaders.
Check out the creative sweatshirts they helped us make!

Daisy arts and crafts at my house. Half of these girls are now married and
they´ve been bridesmaids  in each other´s weddings. Awwww!

My 4th grade teachers signed my autograph book.
Further proof of my lifelong role as a teacher´s pet.

Jenny, Hannah, Kelly, and Keelin at Fr. Sweeney School in 5th grade.
We spent a week learning about the Wild West and watching a seriously censored version of Blazing Saddles. 

It´s scientifically proven that the best way to learn
about the geography of Italy is to create an edible map.

It makes me sad that I don´t remember all their names. I wish I knew where they are now.

The 4th of July Parade was a big deal in my neighborhood in Peoria.
Like all of my costumes, my mom made this using instructions from her trusty Family Fun magazines. 

The revelation of my not-so-secret 4th grade crush, written obsessively in each notebook.

My favorite, tiny duffle bag that used to hold my View Master and binoculars. My brother and I would go on adventures  in the backyard and neighborhood ravines with our Chip´n Dale bags!

Photos from a collage my best friend, Corinne, made me.

My composition about Corinne that was displayed in the hallway at school. I described all the things that were important to us, including this: "We also have Happy Hour with other families."

Proof of my short-lived dream to be an art teacher, a dream that died when
my mom starting cutting off my mediums of choice: string and hot glue.

The second page of my Thanksgiving thankfulness list at seven years old. I was a little ambitious,
thinking I could get to 40 items.  Also, number 30 makes me think that I must not have discovered camping yet. 

The first CD I ever bought myself: Shania Twain. And my nerdiest CD: the Harry Potter soundtrack!

Taking it back even more to cassette tapes... a Canadian childhood staple: Charlotte Diamond!

A viking woman hat that has been worn for numerous Halloweens.

This amazing pig...
that turns into a hat!

Items from our dress up box - feather-covered hats, gypsy skirts, my Grandma´s blouse, and a Lamb Chop puppet!  

These gems. Bought exclusively for the dress up box. They´ve been worn by dozens of people and never washed
(mostly because we didn´t want to damage the fabulousness!) 

These childhood memories are silly and fun; I was a free spirit who loved myself and my friends and my parents were super cool and smart. Little did I know that seven straight years of awkwardness were in store for me in middle school and high school. Those photos, and teenage angst, coming next.

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