Thursday, October 30, 2014

Telling my story: A poetic attempt

An urge:
A longing to do good.
A question: What is good?
An admission:
I am not God.

A freedom, a lightness of being graced
with the understanding
that I am nothing
Alone, I am nothing.

How best to serve God?
To serve God´s people.
To be a creature among creatures.
In hindsight: what choice did I have?
It was always my path.
But back then,
the magnitude, the grandness, the fear,
the decision.

            written: a To Do list for self-improvement
            denied: that I`m saving the world
            packed: subconscious expectations
                          emotional baggage
            left behind: comfort, security, confidence

Life was beautifully simple
which left time
                         (too much time)
for complicated emotions
time for reflection
        for unloading
        for recharging
        for knowing myself better than I ever had
I was too busy
          too hurried
          too demanding
I was goal-oriented
          big picture-focused
(I am still those things)
but there is a gentleness, too,
            to myself
            and to others

It was all real, it was my life,
not an experience
nor an experiment.
It was real.
As real as Lucero´s fear of her father,
Thania´s bus accident.
As painful as Jefferson´s father´s severed leg,
Diego´s cracked-open head.
As lonely as Dustin and María waiting for their fathers on Father´s Day,
            the bullied class clown, victim of every joke.
As abandoned as Heydi
            Alvaro. so young and playful.
                        A father he never knew
                        A mother driven to find work in Chile
                                               in Bolivia
                                               in Lima
                                               in the United States (while hearts and mouths wait 
                                                                                back home for money and assurance 
                                                                                that may never come)
it was real.
it was not easy but it was joyful
it was not painless but it was loving.

They were
          are loving.
An ice cold Inca Kola
A warm cup of tea
Always inviting, sharing, offering.
A state of mind: give what you are able
                           give even when you can´t
                           God will provide.
So many people loved me, from the start:
Abuela Julia    pouring love into mouth-watering dishes and
                        tearing up while praising God
Yessia             who believes in the possibility of change, who believes in people
                        and works for justice
Natalia            curious, you have grown
                        into an adult
                        into my friend
Lucia               “Mi casa es tu casa.” is not a cliché,
                        but an endless invitation
Quique                        a pillar of faith, steadfast in love

And the list goes on
love, outpouring
and I, undeserving, marveled at it all.

And Peru was colorful, spirited, ancient,
Celebrating the dynamic history
Still living in the people.
Tradition alive, amidst us, amidst us

Because I was
                am Peruvian.

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